Soft Tissue Reconstruction of the Thumb with the First Dorsal Metacarpal Artery Island Flap |
Duke Whan Chung, Chung Soo Han, Jae Hoon Lee, Jin Young Kim, Hyun Chul Park, Jong Hoon Song, Dong Cheul Nam |
Department of Orthopedic Surgery, School of Medicine, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea. |
Abstract |
Purpose The aim of this study was to report the efficacy of the first dorsal metacarpal artery island flap for soft tissue defect of the thumb.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: We performed the first dorsal metacarpal artery island flap for soft tissue defect of the thumb in 14 cases since 1992 to 2008. There were dorsal defect in 9 cases, volar defect in 2 cases and lateral defect in 3 cases. The cases are limited by defect size under 2.5 cm in width. We checked a vessel diameter in the flap pedicle, a mobile pedicle length in operative field. Evaluation results was based on flap quality, donor site quality, two-point sensory discrimination, scar contractures, total active movement of the thumb and donor digit.
Results The flap quality was well vascularized and survived in 12 cases (success rate : 86%). Diameter of vessels in flap was estimated within 0.5 mm by operational findings. Dorsal vein was irregular and complicated. Average of the pedicle length was 3.2 cm. Sensory function were preserved in all cases after long term follow up, but the cases we could measure two-point discrimination were 9 cases and average was 5.3 mm. Donor sites were dermatized using skin graft and 2 cases were complained limitation of motion at joints of index finger.
Conclusion The failure rate of flap were about 14%. We considered that it need to prepare under operational microscopy because vessels distributed into flap are small and complex. Problems of donor site are not negligible. However it was regarded as a useful island flap which could preserve sensory function in case of soft tissue defect of thumb when it applied to appropriate cases and operated by skilled procedure. |