Groin flap and Neurovascular island flap for Reconstruction of the Thumb |
Jin Woo Jin, M.D., Sung Weon Jung, M.D., Chong Kwan Kim, M.D., Chan Wan Park, M,D., Young Ho Lee, M.D., Wan Sub Kwak, M.D. |
서혜부 피판과 신경혈관 도서형 피판을 이용한 무지 재건술 |
진진우·정성원·김종관·박찬완·이영호·곽완섭 |
Abstract |
Purpose: We reconstructed the thumb with groin flap combined with secondary heterodigital neurovascular island flap and report our 6 cases. Materials and Methods: Between March 2003 and August 2004, 6 degloving thumbs or amputation of thumbs were reconstructed with groin flap combined with secondary heterodigital neurovascular island flap. There ware 4 men and 2 women, and mean age was 42.2 years. The following parameters were evaluated. Results: Recipient thumb was no limitation of apposition. but flexion contracture of interphalangeal joint was about 10 degree in two cases. Average grip power were 80% and average pinch power were 70% that of the normal thumb. The two point discrimination was average 10.5 mm and double sensibility in 2 cases. 2 patients have cold intolerance. Neuroma formation was not made. Cosmetic results as judged by patients were that 4 cases are good and 2 cases are fair. Conclusion: If massive skin defect after degloving thumb or amputation of thumb are present, we consider the numerous methods for reconstruction of thumb. This surgical procedure is good methods because of it's pliability, sensation, satisfactory functional results but major disadvantage are the staged operation and cosmetic effect of the absence of thumb nail. |
Key Words:
Degloving Thumb, Groin flap, Neurovascular island flap |