Clinical Experience of Countouring Fasciocutaneous Flap Using Ultrasound Assisted Liposuction |
Tae-Gon Kim, M.D., Joon Pio Hong M.D., Ph.D., Yoon-Kyu Chung M.D., Ph.D.* |
유리 근막 피판 수술 후 초음파 지방 흡입술을 이용한 피판 축소술의 임상경험 |
김태곤·홍준표·정윤규* |
Abstract |
Liposuction is a useful method for debulking free flap. Recently, ultrasound assisted liposuction( UAL) has been reported to have many advantages over conventional suction-assisted lipectomy. We applied the UAL to debulk free fasciocutaneous flap of the forehead and lower extremities. The result was satisfactory and there was no significant complications worth noting. Although the cost can be expensive, it has many advantages such as less blood loss, larger amount of fat aspirate and better skin contraction. We can conclude that UAL can be a useful alternative method to debulk free fasciocutaneous flap. |
Key Words:
Ultrasound assisted liposuction, Flap debulking, Flap contouring. |