Salvage Reconstruction of the Knee using Latissimus Dorsi Myocutaneous Free Flap |
Jun-Mo Lee, M.D., Ju-Hong Lee, M. D., and Moon-Ki Choi, M.D. |
광배근피 유리 판을 이용한 슬관절 구제 재건술 |
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Abstract |
The only treatment method for crushed soft tissue injuries in the proximal leg involving the knee joint is the microsurgical free flap transplantation, especially latissimus dorsi myocutaneous free flap is useful to cover the extensive soft tissue defects, therefore prevents iatrogenic below knee amputation and facilitates early wound healing, early ambulation and shortens hospital stay. Authors have treated the open amputation with crushed soft tissue and bone injuries in the proximal leg, and the repeated abrasion and infectious wound with traumatic neuroma in the below knee with myocutaneous free flap and succeeded to wear below knee amputation prosthesis and return to normal activities of the daily living in the relatively shorter period than usual. |
Key Words:
Crushed soft tissue injuries, Proximal leg, Latissimus dorsi myocutaneous free flap |