Advantage of Distally Based Superficial Sural Artery Flap in the Soft Tissue Defect of the Lower Leg, Ankle, Foot |
Dae Ho Ha, M.D., Sang Soo Kim, M.D., Churl Hong Chun, M.D., Dong Churl Kim, M.D., Yu Sun Choi, M.D.* and Kyeong Jin Kim, M.D. |
하퇴부와 족관절 및 족부의 피부 결손에 대한 역행성 표재 비복동맥 피판을 이용한 재건의 장점 |
하대호·김상수·전철홍·김동철·최유선*·김경진 |
Abstract |
Introduction : We report advantages of distally based superficial sural artery flap in the soft tissue defect in lower leg, ankle and foot. They are easier and less complicated technique than others. Material & Method : Total 26 patients were operated and their soft tissue defect site were 10 cases of anterior tibial surface, 6 cases of Achilles tendon area, 3 cases of lateral and medial surface of tibia, 3 cases of foot dorsum surface, 3 cases of sole, 1 case of medial aspect of ankle. Average pedicle distance was 12.8 cm(range 8~21 cm) and follow up period was mean 18 months. Result : We obtained 24 cases of excellent and good results. The two cases were reported low complication rate, which were one case of skin necrosis covered full thickness skin graft, and the other case of infection. Conclusion : The advantage of distally based superficial sural artery flap in soft tissue defect are long distant pedicle, short operation time, easy elevation of pedicle, constant and reliable blood supply and good cosmetic result with thin-thickness flap. |
Key Words:
Lower leg, Soft tissue defect, Distally based superficial sural artery flap |