The Use of the Internal Mammary Vessel Perforator as a Recipient Vessel for Free TRAM Breast Reconstruction |
Myong Chul Park, M.D., Jung Hoon Lee, M.D., Jae Ho Chung, M.D., Sung Hun Lee, M.D. |
유리 횡복직근피판술을 이용한 유방의 재건에서 수혜부 혈관으로 내유방혈관 천공지의 사용 |
박명철·이정훈·정재호·이승헌 |
Abstract |
Breast reconstruction is an aesthetically critical procedure and should be performed to match the opposite breast in shape, contour, and position. Many methods were introduced to reconstruct the breast with autogenous tissue. But, free tissue transfer for breast reconstruction has become common method. The transverse rectus abdominis myocutaneous flap technique has been a widely accepted method of breast reconstruction after mastectomy, since the first introduction of free abdominoplasty flap in 1979. In breast reconstruction with a free flap the selection of suitable recipient vessels remains one of the most critical decision for surgeon. The most common recipient site for free flap breast reconstruction is the axillar system. But, the use of the axillary system as a recipient site limits flap movement and flexibility in breast shaping. The use of internal mammary vessels as a recipient site be able to achieve ideal breast symmetry, but that technique require the rib resection. The selection of suitable recipient vessels is most important for successful free tissue transfer. We have performed breast reconstruction with TRAM flaps anastomozed to the internal mammary vessel perforator. We came to the conclusion that this vessel perforator is useful as a recipient site in cases of immediate breast reconstruction with free TRAM flap. |
Key Words:
Internal mammary vessel perforator, TRAM, Breast reconstruction |