Neurovascular Island Graft for Finger Tip Loss |
Duke Whan Chung, M.D., Chung Soo Han, M.D. and Ki Bong Kim, M.D. |
도서형 신경 혈관 피판을 이용한 수지의 피부 및 연부조직 결손의 재건술 |
정덕환·한정수·김기봉 |
Abstract |
Purpose : Loss of sensibility over the finger tip resents a grave deficit and is an indication for sensible soft tissue reconstruction. This paper was performed to assess the long term results obtained by nerovascular island flap. Material and Methods : We performed neurovascular island graft for defective sensibility of finger tip loss in 94 cases since 1979 to 2000. The recipient sites were the thumb pulp defect in 79 cases, the amputated thumb in 9 cases, the amputated index in 4 cases, and the volar aspect of interphalangeal joint of thumb in 2 cases. The donor flaps were obtained from the radial side of ring finger in 63 cases, the ulnar side of the ring finger in 21 cases, and the ulnar side of the middle finger in 10 cases. A mean follow-up period was 5.7 years. Results : The flap quality was well vascularized and survived in 89 cases. The two-point discrimination was average 8.7mm. Because of scar contracture, the range of motion of the donor finger was decreased 3.5% of the normal finger in the distal interphalangeal joint, 8,2% in the proximal interphalangeal joint. A phenomenon of double sensibility occurred in 66 cases. Conclusion : This technique was excellent both aesthetically and functionally as a reconstruction of the Loss of fingertip. |
Key Words:
Finer tip loss, Neurovascular island Flap |