Analysis of Transplantation of 99 Free Flaps |
Jun-Mo Lee, M.D. and Ki-Nam Kim, M.D. |
유리조직 이식술 9 9례 분석 |
이준모·김기남 |
Abstract |
Free flap transplantation demands meticulous microsurgical technique to cover the exposed vital structures which is important to restore and maintain functions of the extremities. From July 1992 through December 2000, 99 patients were received reconstructive microsurgery in the upper and lower extremity at Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Chonbuk National University Hospital. The most common cause in the upper extremity was industrial accident, 8 cases of total 15 cases and in the lower extremity was traffic accident, 66 cases of total 84 cases. The most commonly involved site was thumb and finger, 8 cases of total 15 cases and in the lower extremity was leg, 65 cases of total 84 cases. In upper extremity, the wrap around free flap was carried out in 4 cases(4.0%), first dorsal metatarsal artery flap and lateral arm flap were 3 cases(3.0%) each in 15 cases and in lower extremity, latissimus dorsi myocutaneous flap were 23 cases(23.2%), gracilis 20cases(20.2%), and rectus abdominis muscle flap 18(18.2%)in 84 cases. Overall 89 cases(89.9%) of 99 cases were survived and maintained and revealed good cosmetic results. |
Key Words:
Free Flap Transplantation |