The Adipofascial V-Y Advancement Flap with Skin Graft for Coverage of the Full-Thickness Burns of the Gluteal Region |
Yoo Jung Lee, Myong Chul Park, Dong Ha Park, and Il Jae Lee<sup><xref ref-type="corresp" rid="cor1">*</xref></sup> |
Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Ajou University Hospital, Suwon, Korea. |
Received: 24 April 2016 • Revised: 3 May 2016 • Accepted: 3 May 2016 |
Abstract |
Any types of burn injury that involve more than deep dermis often require reconstructive treatment. In gluteal region, V-Y fasciocutaneous advancement flap is frequently used to cover the defect. However, in case of large burn wounds, this kind of flap cannot provide adequate coverage because of the lack of normal surrounding tissues. We suggest V-Y adipofascial flap using the surrounding superficially damaged tissue. We present the case of a patient who was referred for full-thickness burn on gluteal region. We performed serial debridement and applied vacuum-assisted closure device to defective area as wound preparation for coverage. When healthy granulation tissue grew adequately, we covered the defect with surrounding V-Y adipofascial flap and the raw surface of the flap was then covered with split-thickness skin graft. We think the use of subcutaneous fat as an adipofascial flap to cover the deeper defect adjacent to the flap is an excellent alternative especially in huge defect with uneven depth varying from subcutaneous fat to bone exposure in terms of minimal donor site morbidity and reliability of the flap. Even if the flap was not intact, it was reuse of the adjacent tissue of the injured area, so it is relatively safe and applicable. |
Key Words:
Buttocks, Burns, Third degree burn, Adipofascial flap, V-Y advancement flap |