Reconstruction of Greater Trochanteric defect using Lumbar Artery Perforator Free Flap: A Case Report |
Chan Yeong Heo, M.D., Seok Chan Eun, M.D., Rong Min Baek M.D., Kyung Won Minn, M.D. |
Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, College of Medicine Seoul National University, Korea. |
요추부 천공지 유리피판을 이용한 대전자부 결손의 재건 - 증례보고 - |
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Abstract |
There could be several methods for trochanteric reconstruction including local flap, pedicled perforator flaps, free flap, etc. We performed greater trochanteric reconstruction with lumbar artery perforator free flap in some aberrant method. So we report this experience with review of literatures. A 42-year-old man visited our hospital with a large soft tissue defect in his left greater trochanteric area by traffic accident. The patient had wide skin and soft tissue defect combined with open femur fracture. During one month period of admission, he underwent femur open reduction and wound debridement four times. After that we planned thoracodorsal perforator free flap reconstruction. The flap was outlined as large as 20×15 cm and elevated in a suprafascial plane from the lateral border. During intramuscular perforator dissection, we found that two 1.5 mm diametered perforator vessels coursed inferomedially toward second lumbar region. Finally the flap became lumbar artery perforator flap based on second lumbar artery perforator as a main pedicle. After flap transfer, the perforator vessels were connected with inferior gluteal artery and vein microsurgically. The operation was successful without uneventful course. We found no significant postoperative complication and donor site morbidity during six months follow up periods. Lumbar artery perforator flap could be an alternative procedure for thoracodorsal perforator flap in some patients with anatomic variant features. |
Key Words:
Lumbar artery perforator, Thoracodorsal perforator, Greater trochanter |