The Treatment of Neuroma-in-Continuity with Interpositional Nerve Graft and Vein Wrapping: A Case Report |
Boo Kyung Kwon, M.D., Jong-Ryoon Baek, M.D., Dong Hwan Kim, M.D. |
Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Gil Hospital, Gachon University, Incheon, Korea. |
신경 이식과 정맥 포장을 이용한 연속성 신경종의 치료 - 1예 보고 - |
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Abstract |
We report a case of 44 years old male patient with neuroma-in-continuity of ulna nerve. In the patient’s past history, he had received operative treatment for the open supracondylar fracture of right distal humerus and ulnar nerve injury at 10 years ago, and neurolysis was tried 2 times due to severe neuropathic pain. Despite of these operations, the symptom was not improved. In operative field, we noticed neuroma- in-continuity and decided to resect the neuroma until normal nerve fascicle was noted. The nerve cable graft was done with auto sural nerve on the defect site and the nerve was wrapped with small saphenous vein. At post operative 7 months, pain was markedly decreased and sensory recovery was slightly improved and patient was satisfied with the result. |
Key Words:
Neuroma-in-continuity, Nerve graft, Vein wrapping |