Subungual Schwannoma Mimicking Glomus Tumor on Ultrasonography: A Case Report |
Chung Hwan Lee, Jong Hun Baek, Kyu Jin Kim, Hyun Ho Lee, Duke Whan Chung, Jae Hoon Lee |
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Kyung Hee University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea. |
Received: 10 August 2017 • Revised: 25 September 2017 • Accepted: 28 September 2017 |
Abstract |
A 29-year-old male patient complained subungual palpable mass with sharp pain. Ultrasonography showed a lobulated, hypoechoic, vascularized mass that was distinct from the surrounding soft tissue of 1.2×0.9×0.6 cm in size, probably a glomus tumor. Authors performed surgical excision and excisional biopsy, and pathological study was diagnosed schwannoma. Subungual schwannoma is very rare and have been reported as a painless mass. Authors report a case of painful subungual schwannoma mimicking glomus tumor on ultrasonography. |
Key Words:
Schwannoma, Fingers, Subungual |