Articular Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis of the CMC Joints of the Hand - A Case Report - |
Seok Hyun Kweon, Jin Young Park, Dong Chul Kim, Jung Woo Kim, Suk Joong Lee |
수근 중수지 관절내 발생한 색소 융모 결절성 활액막염 - 1예 보고 - |
권석현, 박진영, 김동철, 김정우, 이석중 |
Abstract |
A case of articular pigmented villonodular synovitis (PVNS) simultaneously affecting 2nd and 4th CMC joints of same hand are reported with its clinical and radiologic features. A 36-year-old woman complained of 2 years of slowly growing, non-tender and nonmovable 2 masses (3¡¿2 cm, 2¡¿1 cm sized) on dorsum of the left hand. There was no alteration of serology and ESR was normal. The plane X-rays of her left hand showed subcortical erosion of 2nd and 4th metacarpal base. We performed a surgical exploration. There was hyperplastic yellowish-brown synovitis and the joint was full of serious reddish fluid which was responsible for the mass. Careful synovectomy was performed. The diagnosis of PVNS was confirmed by histological examination which was showing synovial hyperplasia with macrophage filled with hemosiderin pigment. The patient was showed no evidence of recurrence after 1 year after operation. |