The Correction of Hook Nail Deformity Using Cross Finger Flap |
Chung Sang Bae, Jong Jin Kim, Nae Ho Lee, Kyung Moo Yang, Ji Hyun Moon |
1Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery1, Medical School, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju, Korea 2Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery2, Inno Hospital, Jeonju, Korea |
교차 수지 피판술을 이용한 갈고리 손톱 변형의 교정 |
배충상1, 김종진1, 이내호1, 양경무1, 문지현2 |
1전북대학교 의과대학 성형외과학교실 2이노 성형외과 |
Nae Ho Lee, Tel: 063-250-1860, Fax: 063-250-1866, Email: |
Abstract |
The fingertip injuries are the most common type of hand injuries and are often followed by hook nail deformity. It is caused by the loss of bone and soft tissue of fingertip. The healed fingertips usually have a volarly displaced distal nailbed and a tight, painful tip with an inadequate padding and a hook-like nail. To correct the deformity, it is necessary to release the distal nailbed completely, reposition it to the normal site, and provide adequate support for maintaining correction of the volarly deformed nail. We experienced twelve cases of hook nail deformity after fingertip injury. They have been treated with cross finger flap. Autogenous iliac bone graft was applied for lengthening in nine cases. After the correction of hook nail deformity, the results were satisfactory in all cases. According to this results, we consider that the cross finger flap with iliac bone graft is a safe and reliable procedure which shows not only a high survival rate, but also excellent function and aesthetic outcomes in correction of hook nail deformity. |
Key Words:
Hook nail, Iliac bone graft, Cross finger flap |