Modified Becker’s Repair in Zone II Flexor Tendon Injury Followed by Early Active Mobilization |
Kyung Chul Kim, Sung-Han Ha, Gi Jun Lee, Joo-Sung Kim, Sang Hyun Woo |
변형된 Becker 술식을 이용한 제 II 구역 수지 굴곡 건의 일차적 봉합술 및 조기 능동적 운동의 결과 |
김경철, 하성한, 이기준, 김주성, 우상현 |
Abstract |
This study aims to retrospectively review our clinical results of zone II flexor tendon repair using the modified Becker’s technique followed by early active mobilization program. We reviewed 51 injured fingers in 36 patients with early zone II flexor tendon injuries. Postoperatively, a modified Kleinert dynamic splint was applied and a combined active flexion and passive flexion-active extension rehabilitation program was initiated on the second day after surgery. Total active range of motion (ASSH method) was measured at an average of 13.5 months after repair. Twenty eight fingers had both the flexor digitorum superficialis and the flexor digitorum profundus injuries. Thirty three fingers had associated nerve injuries. 51% had excellent results, 45% had good results and 4% had fair results. Three cases underwent tenolysis. There was no tendon rupture in the period of rehabilitation. Our results showed that the modified Becker’s repair could provide enough strength to permit early active rehabilitation program with 96% good to excellent results. |