Result of tendon transfer for shoulder abduction and elbow flexion in brachial plexus injured patients. |
Seung Koo Rhee,Suk Whan Song,Yang Kook Chung,Ki Won Kim,Sang Kyun Chun |
상완 신경총 마비 환자에서 견 및 주관절의 운동개선을 위한 건전이 재건술의 결과 |
이승구,송석환,정양국,김기원,전상균 |
Abstract |
Since 1985, We have performed the tendon transfers to restore the shoulder abduction in 5 patients and to also restore the elbow flexion in 12 patients with brachial plexus injury(BPI). 4 patients out of 17 cases were complete BPI but 13 patients with upper type of BPI. Their age are average 32 years and the tendon transfer was done on 11 months after the BPI. 1. As results of Bateman's trapezius transfer to restore shoulder abduction in 5 BPI, average abduction was 60' and forward flexion was 70'. The trapezius m. was too short to transfer and so too difficult to fix it to proximal humerus. 2. The results of original Steindler's flexorplasty in 5 BPI was 20'-70' of motion, 20'-50' of pronation, but the results for modified Steindler's flexorplasty with more anterior fixation of medical epicondyle on distal humerus was much more good with 80' of elbow flexion, 10' of supination and 25' of pronation. Conclusively, tendon transfers in BPI was useful in cases with failed neurotization or delayed treatment, especially in young active patients. |