Simultaneous Dorsal Dislocation of the Fourth and Fifth Carpometacarpal joints : Two Cases Report |
Duke Whan Chung,Chung Won Lee,Ki Woong Jeong |
제 4지와 제 5지의 수근중수간 관절에서의 동시 배측 탈구 : 2례 보고 |
정덕환,이종원,정기웅 |
Abstract |
Carpomet acarpal dislocation occur in less than 1% of hand injuries. Diagnosis of dislocated carpomet acarpal joint is frequently missed on initial examination because of the absence of obvious physical and radiologic signs and the rarity of the injury. Dislocation can develop to volar or dorsal direction and associated with fracture of adjacent metacarpal or carpal bone. Many authors suggest that these injuries of passion be treated by closed reduction, closed reduction with percutaneous pin fixation, or open reduction and placement of transversely oriented pins. These method was reported have problems due to possibility of fixation failure or injuries to tendon and nerve. We report two cases of simultaneous dorsal dislocation of the fourth and fifth carpometacarpal (CMC) joint s accompaning with fracture of carpal bone successfully managed with closed reduction and percutaneous pinning with review of lit erature. |