Moving and Static Two-point Discrimination Test at the Fingertips in Normal Koreans |
Eung Shick Kang,Ho Jung Kang,Ju Hyung Yoo |
정상한국인 수지 말단 부위의 정적 및 동적 이점식별 검사 |
강응식,강호정,유주형 |
Abstract |
Both moving and static two-point discrimination test are useful method to evaluate the sensibility of the hand3-6,8,13). The 307 normal subjects, 158 males and 149 females, whose age from 9 year- old to 69 year-old were studied. Statistic analysis of the data revealed the following:(1) Moving two- point values were of statistically less magnitude than the static two-point values in all areas tested;(2) there was a statistically gradual increase in the magnitude of the test values for both methods with advancing age;(3) females tended to discriminate a shorter distance than males at corresponding sites with statistical significance in static two point discrimination test, but without statistical significance in moving two point discrimination test;(4) no statistical difference was noted among the fingers between right and left hand;(5) except moving two-point value between thumb and index finger, moving and static two-point values were increased in the order of index finger, thumb, middle finger, little finger, ridial side of 4th finger and ulnar side of 4th finger with statistical significance. |