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Volume 9(2); Nov 2000 |
One-Stage Achilles Tendon Reconstruction Using the Free Composite Dorsalis Pedis Flap in Complex Wound
Sug Won Kim, M.D., Won Jai Lee, M.D., Dong Wan Seo, M.D., Yoon Kyu Chung, M.D., and Kwan Chul Tark, M.D.
J Korean Soc Microsurg. 2000;9(2):114-119. Published online November 30, 2000
Treatment of Soft Tissue Defect on Ankle or Dorsum of Foot with Extended Gracilis Muscle Free Flap
Sug Won Kim, M.D., Kwang Seop Kim, M.D., Dong Wan Seo, M.D., Hoon Bum Lee, M.D., and Yoon Kyu Chung, M.D.
J Korean Soc Microsurg. 2000;9(2):147-153. Published online November 30, 2000
A Histologic and Clinical Study between Temporoparietal Fascia and Scapular Fascia Free Flap
Yang Soo Kang, M.D., Ji Seon Cheon, M.D., Young Cheon Na, M.D., Myung Ju Lee, M.D., Jeong Yeol Yang, M.D., Chang Keun Lee, M.D.
J Korean Soc Microsurg. 2000;9(2):164-171. Published online November 30, 2000
Reconstruction of the Face Defects Using Posterior Interosseous Artery Forearm Free Flap
Seung Bum Seo, M.D., Sang Won Lee, M.D., Tae Whang An, M.D., Sung Gyun Jung, M.D., Chang Hyun Kim, M.D.
J Korean Soc Microsurg. 2000;9(2):172-178. Published online November 30, 2000
The Effect of Aspirin and Prostaglandin E<sub>1</sub> on the Patency of Microvascular Anastomosis in Rat
Kwang Suk Lee, M.D., Jeong Dae Suh, M.D., Seung Beom Han, M.D., Seung Joon Lee, M.D., In Chul Choi, M.D., In Sun Kim, M.D.*, Seong Jin Cho, M.D.*
J Korean Soc Microsurg. 2000;9(2):179-185. Published online November 30, 2000